Meeting with Chancellor Ferebee Set for Tuesday April 5 at 6PM
The meeting with Chancellor Ferebee has finally been set for Tuesday, April 5, at 6:00 PM. One of the main goals of this meeting is to learn more about Chancellor Ferebee's position and vision for the DCPS-DESAP partnership. As you know they are in ongoing negotiations to update the DESAP-DCPS 2000 procurement agreement which outlines the governance responsibilities for the school.
Ellington Summer Camp Accepting applications
Registration is now open for Summer Camp at Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Click the link for more information!
URGENT: Middle States Accreditation Parent Survey Due June 7
Duke Ellington School of the Arts will have a Middle States Accreditation visit next school year. The process requires input from all cohorts attached to the school, which are parents, students, and staff. As parents, please take time to complete the following Google form by June 7, 2021.
May 5: Committee of the Whole FY22 Budget Hearing
Public witnesses (members of the general public) wishing to testify on May 5, 2021 on education matters must visit
School Year 21-22 Enrollment is Now Open!
Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is now open! Families can complete enrollment at DC Public Schools in just three steps.
Department of Parks & Recreation to Host community Meeting April 6 Re: Ellington Athletic Field
The DC Department of Parks & Recreation is hosting an online community meeting April 6 to discuss the Duke Ellington High School athletic field.
Virtual Enrollment for School Year 2021-2022 Begins April 2!
Attention all parents, guardians, and other primary caregivers! Virtual enrollment starts on April 2!
Before submitting your student's enrollment packet, you must attend a mandatory informational meeting. We will walk through the enrollment process together and Registrar Dana Nearing will share important updates since the last enrollment season.
Ellington Rolls Out DCPS Student Referral for Mental Health and Counseling Support process
Duke Ellington School of the Arts is pleased to roll out the new DCPS Student Referral for Mental Health and Counseling Support process.