Meeting with DCPS Chancellor Ferebee
The meeting with Chancellor Ferebee has finally been set for Tuesday, April 5, at 6:00 PM. One of the main goals of this meeting is to learn more about Chancellor Ferebee's position and vision for the DCPS-DESAP partnership.
As you know they are in ongoing negotiations to update the DESAP-DCPS 2000 procurement agreement which outlines the governance responsibilities for the school.

SHADE PTO Monthly Meeting
Join us for our monthly PTO meeting via Zoom. Click for details!

SHADE June 2021 General Body Meeting
The SHADE General Body Meeting takes place Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

SHADE May 2021 General Body Meeting
The SHADE General Body Meeting takes place Wednesday, May 5, 2021.

SHADE April 2021 General Body Meeting
The SHADE General Body Meeting takes place Wednesday, April 7, 2021.

SHADE March 2021 General Body Meeting
The SHADE General Body Meeting takes place Wednesday, March 3, 2021.

DCPS Budget Training Session Presented by the SHADE Advocacy Committee
Register for our February 23 Zoom event.

SHADE February 2021 General Body Meeting
The SHADE General Body Meeting takes place Wednesday, February 3, 2021.