SHADE Seeks Candidates for the Board, Parent & LSAT Reps!
SHADE, Duke Ellington’s Parent-Teacher Organization, is recruiting new board members, art department parent representatives, and LSAT representatives for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please consider sharing your leadership skills, experience, and talents!
Board Members
Board members are responsible for SHADE's day-to-day operations and special projects. Visit to learn more about the details for each position. There is a particular need for individuals to consider the Secretary and Assistant Treasurer positions. Elections for SHADE officers will be held during our next meeting, taking place at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
Parent Representatives
Arts Department parent reps serve as the liaison for their student’s arts department. They report the latest SHADE news at monthly department meetings and advocate on the department’s behalf.
LSAT Representatives
LSAT representatives serve on the Local School Advisory Team, the group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. Members meet monthly to advise school leaders on school priorities. There is a specific need for two parents to serve as LSAT members.
Interested candidates for any of the aforementioned positions should submit their names, in advance, to Hazel Richardson at, or Jennifer Sauter-Price at
Prior to the voting, candidates for President, Vice President(s) and the LSAT reps will be asked for a short description of their qualifications, interest, and goals.