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Ellington School of the Arts March LSAT Meeting

The Duke Ellington School of the Arts LSAT (Local School Advisory Team) normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 4:00 PM.

Our monthly LSAT meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 16 at 4:00 PM.

Meeting Link:

3/16/21 Ellington LSAT Draft Agenda

  1. Introductions

  2. FY 22 Submitted Budget and LSAT sign-off

  3. In-person learning updates: Term 4 and Summer (Principal Logan)

  4. Duke Ellington School of the Arts Project (DESAP) Updates

  5. SHADE and Advocacy Updates

  6. SY 2021-2022 Admissions Updates

  7. Other

  8. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 20 at 4:00 pm

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